Monday, January 5, 2009

Winning the weight loss struggle! This is my year!

I was listening to the radio this morning and the announcer was saying that the gyms for the last few days have been packed with people who have made their New Year resolution to lose weight, exercise, and just get to that place! Unfortunately, by the end of January, most of those people will be gone, having given up once again on that resolution. As we all know, it is so easy to gain the weight, but to lose it is another matter completely. I am tired of "dieting" and therefore, I am changing my way of life, and instead of dieting, I am going to focus on not only me, but my entire family eating better. I have started making actual meal plans for the week, and therefore when I shop, I will buy only what we need and no more. I tend to think, Oh we need snacks and that's when we get into the wrong kind of snacks...well, I want to make snacks, so the ingredients can always be in my cupboard to make sure we have them, but healthier ones. I have started my 5 mile walk dvd again as well, my mom and I together, and would be happy as a clam if the ladies started it again on Saturdays at the church! Ahem, anyone listening??? It is so much easier when we have friends to encourage and exercise with us!!! Fortunately, after delivering my girls, I have not gained a whole lot back, but it is slowly creeping on, and that is not what I need to see! Frustratingly enough as well, I cannot even get on some clothing I wore before, due to the hip extension from carrying day! Having done Herbal Magic in 2007, I can take tips from that and go from there as well, knowing if I can stick to it, I will see the weight come off. It will be slow, it will be hard, but if I did it before, I can do it again. I am not sure if Charles & I will have any more children, possibly one more in a few years, but before that ever happens, I want to be as healthy as I can be. So with God's help, my mom's encouragement, my husband's pushing(lol!)and even my children's help, I WILL do this!!! Come do it with me!!!


Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

I know you can do it Amy. I need to lose some weight too and get back to the healthy eating that I discarded over the holidays. Go to greensmothie for some good eating info. There is a link to her blog on my blog. It is Robyn's blog. Take the time to read back through. If you want a lifestyle change, she has some awesome info. Carla and I have been looking into her 12 steps to whole foods where you change a habit a month. Even if you don't go all the way with her, there is some very valuable info on her site. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear Amy watever motivates you do it! About the having another baby thing..are you kidding me? You just love to pump out the babies! How are you going to handle that? oh well i guess if it is the will of God then all things will work togethor for good. It just sucks cause i wont know them...sigh

Emma xoxo said...

Yea mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tammymain said...

you go girl!! I am trying to get fit this year too. I admit, I do try every year and do really good and by the next Jan 1 it's time to try again. but at least we keep going!!

Rachel R said...

I think that's a really smart approach... healthy eating for the whole family. I think it's easier if the whole family is participating, rather than one person being singled out.

You should consider starting a weight-los/health blog/journal for some of us other mommies to enjoy! :o)

I wouldn't mind hearing some of your tips on preparing healthy snacks. Snacking is my biggest downfall.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ames! I find for myself, cutting back on those junky foods and losing weight for health reasons seems to really help me succeed....and I thought you had mentioned that you would like one more child in the future??? Wow! I have to hand it to you, after having twins that you would still have enough energy! You always wanted a big family for yourself. It's nice to see that your dream came true!