Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bed Rest...bummer.

Ok, so here I am, in bed. Not expecting anything like this for sure...I am ok, just having lots of contractions, and found out it is due to the fact that I have an irritable uterus-my babies are growing very quickly, and therefore my uterus is rebelling the fast growth. I am already measuring 36 weeks, and am in my 25th week, so I still have 11 weeks and a few days left. I want to go as far as I can, so am taking it all slow and one day at a time. I have a doctor's appointment on the 24th and will find out what else is happening, and whether I have to stay in bed or at least do a little. The good thing is the babies are healthy, growing fast, and moving alot. Yep, alot! I thought one baby moved! Thank you all for your prayers, please keep us in them!


Rachel R said...

Aww... bed rest can't be fun. I couldn't stop bustling around while I was pregnant ~ doing this and that, getting everything ready for "D-Day" as I liked to call it. I would've lost my mind if I was on bed rest! I'll be prayin' for ya and those precious babies!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the babies movements carrying two. I know with only one kicking baby it took a while before the baby settled down before I could fall asleep at night. My goodness, I hope you get enough sleep and rest! I can't wait to see pictures of your two cute little bundles after they arrive!

Lots of prayer across the miles...

Anonymous said...

I had our church pray for you Amy and i will keep you in my prayers everyday. I love you and i will be there in August to take care of you k!

Anonymous said...

if i come august 1 to 18 am i gonna see the twin?i hope i will see them.its tough to be in bed all the time but take your time and enjoy coz twins wil make u so bc when they come out :)

Amy St. Pierre said...

Hi Aissa, I don't know if you would see them then, I kinda hope they don't come that early...I am due August 26th, and that is 36 weeks, so if I get to that date I will be happy. Maybe come a week later, and you will still get to come to our campmeeting services. Can't wait to see you!