Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Annual Christmas Party...

Ok ladies I need some feedback here! My annual Christmas party is having a hard time being planned this year as I keep having to chnage the date! Originally planned for the 14th, that is the night of my husbands work Christmas party so we are going to that one. The next night, the 15th, is the church celebration, so thats out. Would I even get people to come if I planned it for the 21st...the following Friday night...let me know and I will go from there...


neetobenito said...

I won't be able to make it. It is my company Christmas party, but don't stop on my account

Mellie B. said...

I'd be there...lord willing

Anonymous said...

I'll go!!! YEAH!! christmass parties!!! :-)

Jerms said...

ang u DO NOT need sugar, ur a nutcase alrdy...haha

Jessica deLeeuw said...

depending on the date, I will go also. It's fun.